Decision Information Resources, Inc.

Evaluation of the HueMan: Shelter Initiative

The City of Houston Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs and the Midtown Cultural Arts and Entertainment District have partnered with DIR to evaluate the HueMan: Shelter Initiative, part of the Bloomberg Public Art Challenge. This initiative uses public art to address homelessness by engaging unhoused individuals as contributing artists, promoting healing, dignity, and community connection, while fostering economic and civic benefits. DIR, in partnership with Career and Recovery Resources (CRR) and BOP Consulting, will employ a mixed-methods evaluation approach, including interviews, focus groups, surveys, and observational studies. The evaluation will measure the initiative’s impact on public perceptions of homelessness, participant well-being, and community engagement. It will also assess how program implementation influences outcomes like economic activity and civic pride. Data collection will include baseline surveys and interviews in early 2025, followed by semi-annual focus groups, activity observations, and surveys with local businesses and residents. Administrative records from CRR and national metrics from BOP Consulting will provide additional insights, ensuring a comprehensive and equity-centered evaluation of program implementation and outcomes.  

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