Clients and Partners
DIR’s clients include government agencies, nonprofit organizations, private corporations, and research and educational organizations. DIR works with other research firms and educational institutions as partners on projects. Below is a list of our clients and partners.
- Aldine Independent School District
- City of Austin, Early Childhood Council (ECC)
- City of Houston, Building Services Department
- City of Houston, Department of Health and Human Services
- City of Houston, Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs
- City of Houston, Office of the City Controller
- Defense Health Agency, National Capital Region Medical Directorate
- Harris County
- Houston Independent School District (HISD)
- Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC)
- Metropolitan Transit Authority of Houston and Harris County (METRO)
- Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
- Texas Comptroller’s Office
- Texas Council on Workforce and Economic Competitiveness
- Texas Department of Commerce
- Texas Department of Community Affairs
- Texas Department of Health
- Texas Department of Transportation
- Texas Education Agency (TEA)
- Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
- Texas Workforce Commission
- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), Office of Education (OEd)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services
- U.S. Department of Education, IES, NCEE
- U.S. Department of Education, IES, NCES
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- U.S. Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office
- U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
- U.S. Department of Labor, National Office of Job Corps
- U.S. Department of Treasury, Office of Comptroller of the Commerce (OCC)
- U.S. Small Business Administration
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
- BakerRipley
- Bloomberg Philanthropies
- Center for Black Health and Equity
- Episcopal Health Foundation
- Fieldstone Alliance
- George W. Kaiser Foundation
- Hispanic Access Foundation
- Houston Area Urban League
- Houston Endowment Initiative
- Houston Equity Fund
- Innovative Alternatives
- Joint City/County Commission on Children
- Lupus Therapeutics
- March of Dimes
- MD Anderson Cancer Center
- Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
- National Education Association (NEA)
- National Youth Employment Coalition
- Rapides Foundation
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- St. David’s Foundation
- Southwest Georgia Children’s Alliance, Inc.
- SHAPE Community Center
- Technology for All
- Texas Medical Center
- WestEd
- William K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF)
- Abt Associates
- Ashlin Management Group
- American Institutes for Research (AIR)
- Battelle Memorial Institute, Inc.
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Branch & Associates, Inc.
- Center for Labor Market Studies, Northeastern University
- Fors Marsh
- Florida State University, Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast
- IMPAQ International
- Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (MPR)
- Metis Associates
- MPR Associates
- RTI International
- MathTech, Inc.
- MGT of America
- Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
- MuniServices, LLC
- Planmatics, Inc.
- Public Policy Research Institute, Texas A & M University
- Rice University, School of Mathematics
- SRI International
- Social Policy Research Associates, Inc.
- Texas A & M University, Public Policy Resources Laboratory
- The Urban Institute
- University of Houston, School of Social Work
- University of St. Thomas
- University of Texas, Austin
- University of Texas, Center for Improving the Readiness of Children for Learning and Education (CIRCLE)
- University of Texas Health, School of Public Health
- University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
- Westat
- A.O. Phillips & Associates
- Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Consortium of Geriatric Education Center
- Carter & Burgess
- CenterPoint Energy
- Deloitte & Touche
- Duke Energy
- Fiesta Mart, Inc.
- Halff Associates, Inc.
- Harlan Consulting
- HDR, Inc.
- IBM Corporation
- Jefferson Wells
- Korbel Marketing
- McConnell, Jones, Lanier & Murphy
- M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
- Mir, Fox, & Rodriquez
- MuniServices, LLC
- Pacific Gas & Electric
- Possip
- Roberta F. Burroughs & Associates
- South Central Bell Telephone Company
- Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation
- The Segal Company