Decision Information Resources, Inc.

NCR Medical Communications Strategy, Planning and Execution Support

  • Patient and Stakeholder data collection
  • Support the planning of leadership conferences and workshops
  • Support the planning and implementation of Change Champion and Stakeholder Working Groups
  • Create a communications plan and messaging for World Class Care and Culture of Quality across all levels of the organization

Official Title
NCR Medical Communications Strategy, Planning and Execution Support
Quarterly Patient Engagements
Conference planning and support
Planning and implementing Stakeholder Workgroups
Analyzing Change Readiness
Identify Actionable Findings

National Capital Region Medical Directorate (NCR MD)
Project Description

The National Capital Region Medical Directorate (NCR MD), is responsible for oversight of healthcare delivery operations for the largest Joint Multi-Service Market in all the US Military Health Systems. These responsibilities include developing and implementing transformational solutions and business practices to increase patient enrollment and satisfaction, recapture care and drive down military and private sector care costs.

In fall of 2018, NCR MD contracted with DIR and its partner VersaTech, to provide communication planning, branding and organizational identity strategies, change readiness and communication, stakeholder engagement, literature and healthcare best practice research and group facilitation.

The DIR Team will engage patients on their perspectives concerning delivery and experience of care. This work includes traditional and design research and integrates clinical staff and patients in the solution. An analysis of the results and recommendations on organizational improvements through the following will be performed: (1) patient and stakeholder data collection, analysis, and action planning; (2) leadership conferences and workshops to define objectives to improve joint health care delivery mission effectiveness based on stakeholder and patient inputs; (3) culture change and communication strategies; (4) development of performance management and measurement to reduce service variation and improve quality patient outcomes across the organization, and (5) communications plan and messaging for World Class Care and Culture of Quality engagements at all levels of the organization.




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