Decision Information Resources, Inc.

Evaluation of the Impact of Teacher Preparation Models

  • An evaluation of the differences among alternative and traditional teacher certifications
  • Recruited over half the national sample of elementary school teachers (n=87)
  • Trained and supervised former education professionals to collect observational data
  • Implemented random assignment procedures at the district and classroom level
  • Conducted in-depth interviews with program directors and school principals from both alternative and traditional teacher certification programs

Official Title
National Evaluation of the Impact of Teacher Preparation Models
Teacher Recruitment
Sample selection
Implemented classroom level RA procedures
Collected observational data
Data Management
Mathematica Policy Research, under contract to U.S. Deparment of Education
Project Description

Decision Information Resources (DIR) participated in the national evaluation of the Impact of Teacher Preparation Models, under subcontract to Mathematica Policy Research. The study evaluated how differences among alternative teacher certification (AC), traditional certification (TC) routes, and teaching practices impacted student achievement in more than 60 schools nationwide.

We worked closely with our partner, Mathematica Policy Research, to develop and identify optimal protocols for onsite and in-depth telephone interviews, and classroom observations; train and supervise data collectors; make site visits; conduct classroom observations; and collect quantitative and qualitative data.

DIR collected and reviewed certification requirements for alternative teachers’ programs nationwide to identify which ones to include in the study. We recruited half of the 147 elementary school teachers through onsite and telephone discussions. Additionally, DIR forged agreements with participating schools regarding which classrooms would be randomly assigned and collected and sent student rosters for those classrooms to Mathematica.

DIR recruited, trained, and supervised former education professionals to collect observational data for literacy and math instruction. We also administered in-depth interviews with AC and TC program directors and school principals in order to collect detailed quantitative and qualitative data on these certification programs and schools.

Research and EvaluationTechnical Assistance
Areas of Expertise

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