Decision Information Resources, Inc.

Follow-up Surveys to Test Alternative Rent Policies

  •  Study to test the effects of alternative rent policies on housing voucher holders
  • Design and administer household surveys to 6,600 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) recipients
  • Mixed-mode approach using telephone, web and field-assisted interviewing

Official Title
HUD Rent Reform Demonstration: Long-term Follow-up Surveys
Develop management work plan
Develop OMB package with survey instrument
Research design and data collection and analysis plan
Pilot survey instrument
Conduct surveys
Create analysis databases

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Project Description

HUD’s Rent Reform Demonstration gives participating housing agencies the opportunity to adopt new policies on a trial basis and to learn from a careful evaluation whether they achieve benefits for tenants and the housing agency. The primary goal of the randomized controlled trial study is to test the effects of an alternative rent policy on voucher holders and the Moving to Work (MTW) public housing authorities (PHAs) that issue them. HUD wants to learn how to improve the Housing Choice Voucher Program to ensure that:
• voucher recipients who work are more likely to succeed;
• the voucher program is simplified and less expensive to administer; and
• that more families in need can access housing assistance.

The long-term follow-up survey sample size is 6,659, across 4 locales—San Antonio, TX; Louisville and Lexington, KY; and Washington D.C. DIR developed the survey using the RRD Baseline Information Form (BIF), other existing (and OMB approved) HUD instruments, and/or other federal data collection instruments (e.g. Census, American Housing Survey, American Community Survey, National Health Interview Survey, etc.) DIR will implement a mixed-mode methodology—a web and telephone option, augmented by a field follow-up for the hardest to reach and most reluctant respondents.

DIR is working in collaboration with HUD and MDRCHUD’s evaluation contractorto ensure the survey and resulting data are aligned with HUD’s analysis and reporting needs.



Surveys and Data Collection
Areas of Expertise
Health and Human Services

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