Decision Information Resources, Inc.

Austin Quality-of-Life Study: Addressing the Needs of Young Children and Their Caregivers

  • Focuses on the needs of families with young children in Austin/Travis County
  • Conduct a web-based survey of 1,000 caregivers of youth under the age of 6 focused on finances, housing, and childcare challenges
  • Conduct 10 in-depth interviews and 11 focus groups with a select sample of a diverse group of caregivers
  • Findings will guide strategies to improve quality of life for underserved communities

Official Title
Quality of Life Study for Austin’s Families with Young Children
Austin, Texas
Travis County
Review and analyze existing data
Develop web survey
Conduct survey with 1,000 caregivers of young children
In-depth interviews
Focus groups
Instrument Development
06/2024 - 09/2025
City of Austin Early Childhood Council and City of Austin Equity Office
Project Description

The City of Austin has engaged DIR to conduct a detailed quality-of-life study focused on young children and their caregivers in the Austin/Travis County area. This study will describe the demographics of this population, including underserved and diverse communities, and identify key factors affecting their quality of life, such as childcare, housing, transportation, and education. Additionally, it will assess cultural responsiveness, examine the influence of institutional systems, and recommend strategies for connecting with hard-to-reach groups. A collaborative process will involve caregivers in shaping the study’s design and outcomes.

DIR will begin by reviewing and analyzing existing data to provide context for the study. A key component will be a web-based survey of approximately 1,000 caregivers of children under six. This survey will collect data on crucial family needs, including finances, mental health, social support, housing, and family relationships. Open to caregivers aged 18 and older in the Austin area, the survey will inform subsequent phases of the research.

DIR will also conduct 10 individual interviews and 11 focus groups with a diverse group of caregivers to explore these themes further. Participants will be selected to represent various demographics, including age, income, race/ethnicity, and family structure. Focus group discussions and interviews will be guided by Early Childhood Council priorities and survey findings, providing nuanced insights into community needs.

The findings will help inform future policies and initiatives, emphasizing inclusivity and cultural responsiveness while improving the quality of life for families in Austin.

Research and Evaluation
Areas of Expertise
Children and YouthHealth and Human Services

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