DIR was awarded the five-year Child Nutrition (CN) Pulse Surveys Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). DIR is providing data collection and analytic support to conduct quick turnaround surveys that will allow FNS to respond to emerging questions of interest and supplement data collected through routine studies. DIR is partnering with Mathematica for this work.
The first survey DIR is conducting under this BPA is the 2023-2024 School Food Authority Survey (SFA) on Supply Chain Disruption and Student Participation. You can find more information on the survey and results from prior years’ surveys on the USDA FNS website. If you have been asked to participate in the 2023-2024 SFA Survey on Supply Chain Disruption and Student Participation, please visit our FAQ page for helpful information.